Congratulations Alex, Eric and Lawrence!

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During the 2009 Canadian Open Taiji Championships Taiji martial art-ists from all across Canada competed for the top spots. Again, Ji Hong students played a prominent role in this international open-Taiji championship by winning gold, silver and the Grand Championship title.

We cordially congratulate Alex Treadwell (fixed steps push hand silver medal), Lawrence Wu (both Yang and Chen style form/Taolu silver med-als) and rising push hands star Eric. It was Eric Wai’s tournament debut, winning a silver medal in Chen Taolu, one gold medals in fixed steps push hands, and two gold medal in moving steps push hand. Eric also took the Grand Champion title, indeed a stunning triumph. Eric trained for only more than a year under the Ji Hong Tai Chi System under Head Instructor Sifu Jim Liang.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Richmond hill branch students, Well done!

1st Class Award for Master Luo’s Thesis at Jiaozuo Taichi Summit Forum

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The Jiaozuo Taichi Summit Forum was held in the latter half of August this year as part of the 5th International Taijiquan Exchange Competition in Jiaozuo, China. Master Luo was invited as one of the Taichi experts and scholars (close to one hundred) around the world to speak at the forum.

As a biennial event, the Jiaozuo Taichi Summit Forum was sponsored by the Chinese State General Administration of Sports and the Chinese Wushu Association. Invitations were sent out in the early part of the year for the submission of theses. After a selection process, close to 100 theses were selected.

Master Luo has been a regular speaker at the forum as his theses have been selected in previous forums. They were always well received and appreciated. This year, the title of the Master Luo’s thesis was “On the Design and Theory of Overall Flexibility Exercise” (as translated by the Summit Forum). At the Forum, Master Luo spoke in details on the fundamental research of Taichi and the breakthroughs that have been achieved by the Ji Hong Taichi System. The response at the Forum was tremendous.

It was noted that Master Luo’s thesis contained five “News”. They are:

  1. New thinking;
  2. New focus;
  3. New methodology;;
  4. New corroborations; and in summary,
  5. New breakthrough.

In their final assessment, the committee awarded Master Luo first class honours! Since only four first class honours were awarded out of close to a hundred papers selected, this is a rare honour indeed.

Cindy Luo and Johnathan Leung Selected to the National Team to Compete in World Wushu Championship

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Great news from the Canadian National Championships! After intensive competition, both Cindy Luo and Jonathan Leung have been selected to the national A team. Congratulations, Cindy and Jonathan for your achievement. Cindy and Jonathan will represent Canada at the 10th World Wushu Championship to be held at Ricoh Coliseum of the Canadian National Exhibition Centers at Toronto this fall.

The Canadian National Championships were hosted by the Confederation of Canadian Wushu Organizations and organized by WushuOntario. The nine judges at the competition came from China, Canada and the United States. The competitions were divided into Taolu and Shanshou. Each Taolu athlete could compete in a maximum of three events. The selection criteria were based on the total of the two highest scores. The top five male and the top five female athletes formed the national A team to compete in the 10th World Wushu Championship. The top ten from each of the male and female athletes formed the national B team to compete in the Pan American Wushu Championship next year.

Six Taolu and one Shanshou students from the Ji Hong Wushu and Taichi College, led by Master Jennifer Gu competed in the Canadian National Championships. The results have certainly met expectations. A total of 2 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze medals were won. Cindy Luo and Jonathan Leung have made the A team. Steven Au has made the B team. It’s worth noting that Jonathan Leung, competing in Taichi Quan and Taichi Sword scored the second highest total score. This is the first time since 1999 that a Taichi competitor has made the Canadian national team. This represents a major breakthrough of the decade!

It will also be the first time Canada hosts a World Wushu Championships. 1300 athletes from all over the world will compete in it. Tickets to the event are already on sale. Details will follow.

Toronto Hosting the 10th World Wushu Championship in October, 2009

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The 10th World Wushu Championship will be held on October 24 to 29, 2009 at Toronto's Ricoh Coliseum. Mr. Zaiqing Yu with multiple responsibilities as Vice President of the International Olympic Committee, Vice-Minister in charge of the General Administration of Sport (China)and President of the International Wushu Federation was on hand in Toronto to review the progress of the preparation.

Master Jennifer Gu, Vice-President of the Ji Hong Wushu and Taichi College was invited as the Alberta representative to welcome Mr. Yu, the distinguished guest, in Toronto.

Mr. Sunny Tang, President of The Confederation of Canadian Wushu Organizations(CCWO), and provincial representatives and the members of the organizing committee accompanied Mr. Jaiqing Yu during his inspection of the competition sites and the accommodation facilities on March 28, 2009. That evening, a news conference was held in a Markham restaurant to officially launch the preparation work for the 10th World Wushu championship.

Mr. Yu expressed confidence in Toronto as the host city. He found the facilities satisfactory and fully expects that the tournament will showcase the culture, spirits and the educational aspect of Wushu.

The World Wushu championships, sanctioned by the International Wushu Federation, have been held every second year. The 1st Championship was held in Beijing in October of 1991. This year is the 10th championship. Close to a hundred countries and 1500 athletes will participate in this great world event.

The Confederation of Canadian Wushu Organizations participated in the 3rd World Wushu Championship as a provisional member of IWUF. It became a full member of the IWUF in 1997. Since then, the organization has hosted the national team selection every two years to compete in the World Wushu championships and the Pan American Wushu championships. In 1997 and 2005, the Alberta Wushu Association and the Ji Hong Wushu and Taichi College jointly hosted successfully the National Team Selection tournaments in Edmonton.

Master Jennifer Gu commented that the Canadian Wushu National Team selection competitions represent the highest levels of Wushu and Sanshou in Canada. Canadian Wushu schools that offer competitive Wushu programs will place teams in the tournament. The selection processes will produce 5 male and 5 female athletes completing in Wushu Taolu, and 6 male and 4 female athletes in the Sanshou category to compete in the World Championship.

In the last few years, the competitive levels of Canadian athletes have advanced rapidly. They have won medals in the World Wushu championships. The competitions at the National Selection tournament, in particular at the Taolu events have been fierce. Since 1995, 24 Alberta athletes have been selected to the National teams. Among them, 19 have been from the Ji Hong Wushu and Taichi College.

Currently, athletes from the provinces are ramping up their practice in preparation for the national team selection tournament in August, Toronto. To insure the smooth completion of the competition within two ays, Sanshou regulations for this tournament will limit the number of athletes for each weight class to two from each province. More details are to be published at later dates.

世界武術錦標 十月多倫多舉行

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第十屆世界武術錦標將于 10 月 24 日至 29 日在多倫多麗確體育館 Ricoh Coliseum 舉行。國際奧委會副主席、中國國家體育局副局長兼國際武術聯合會主席于再清親臨多倫多視察。亞省代表,基宏武術、太極拳學院副院長古岱娟師傅應邀前往多倫多迎接这位貴賓。

28 日,加拿大武術團體聯合會會長鄧華、各省代表及籌委會成員陪同于再清對比賽場地及酒店進行實地視察。晚上于萬錦市壹間酒店舉行記省招待會,宣布第十屆世界武術錦標賽正式啓動。


國際武術聯合會每兩年舉辦一次世界武術錦標賽。第一屆于 1991 年 10 月在北京舉行,今年是第十屆,預計將有自世界近百國家的 1500 位運動員參與這項世界盛事。

加拿大武術聯合會于 1995 年以臨時會員身份參加第三屆世界賽,1997 年成爲國際武聯的正式會員。之後每兩年舉辦國家隊選拔賽,組隊參加世界錦標賽及泛美錦標賽。期間 1997 年及 2005 年兩屆的選拔賽,是由亞省武術太極學會及基宏武術、太極拳學院聯合于愛民頓市成功舉辦。

古岱娟師傅表示,加拿大國家武術隊選拔賽是本國最高水平的武術及散打比賽,全加拿大有教授竞赛武術的學校,都会组隊参赛,由這個比賽選出的 5 男 5 女套路運動員及 6 男 4 女散打運動員將代表加拿大參加世界武術錦標賽。近幾年加拿大武術運動員的水平進步很快,他們在武術世錦賽上也取得獎牌,而全國選拔賽的競爭更是激烈,特别是套路比赛。1995 年起,。亞省入選國家隊的曆屆運動員約共 24 人,其中 19 人是來自基宏武術、太極拳學院的學生。

目前,各省運動員正爲今年 8 月在多倫多舉辦的國家隊選拔賽而 加緊訓練。爲確保賽事于兩天內順利完成,今屆的散打比賽規定,每個重量級別各省只能派出不超過兩人的隊伍參賽,有關詳情稍後公布。