What is Wushu & Tai Chi?

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Tai Chi or Taiji is an ancient Chinese martial art, which has achieved widespread popularity worldwide. It is a great form of relaxation and exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels. The slow controlled yet powerful movements promote good health, develop strength, build endurance, and bring about total mind/body integration.

The sport of wushu is both an exhibition and a full-contact sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts.  It was created in the People’s Republic of China after 1949, in an attempt to nationalize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts.

Ji Hong Wushu & Tai Chi College also offers books and instructional DVDs.

The Ji Hong Taiji System, Evolutionary Theory, Application, Methodology
by Hong-Yuan Luo and Jennifer Gu

Visit our online store

News from The 9th Hong Kong Wushu International Championship

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The 9th Hong Kong Wushu International Championship was held at the Hong Kong Ma On Shan Sports Centre and the Tsuen Wan Town Centre. Raymond Ma, a student of the Ji Hong Wu Shu and Tai Chi College put on an outstanding performance winning three gold and one silver medals. This being its ninth year, the Hong Kong Wushu International Championship continually expands from 1000 participants in its inaugural year to over 8000 athletes this year from 30 countries and 889 teams. The untiring efforts of the organizers of this tournament have made it one of the great international Wushu gatherings.

One Athlete Competing in Four Taichi Styles

Ji Hong College was invited to send a team to the tournament. Unfortunately several members could not go for various reasons. Master Hong Yuan Luo personally led the lone team member of Raymond Ma who signed up to compete in four Taichi styles: Chen, Yang, Wu and Wu-Hao.

It is well-known within the Taichi circle that the four styles are very much distinct from one another: the Chen style displaying the complementary elements of hard and soft, fast and slow; the Yang style expansive and rhythmic; the Wu style soft like willow branches swaying in the wind, leaning yet well centre-balanced; the Wu-Hao packed with internal power. To compete in all four styles is a daring attempt in accepting high degree of difficulties. In preparing for the competition, Raymond received instructions from Master Luo and with diligence and hard work, achieved breakthroughs in all the routines.

As the long competition progressed, Raymond amazingly was able to revved up his competitive intensity to take the gold medals in Chen, Wu and Wu-Hao and a silver medal in Yang style.

Raymond Ma is a veteran dentist by profession with a passion for sports. He was active in soccer in his earlier years. His interest in Taichi began a decade or so ago when he joined the Ji Hong Wu Shu and Tai Chi College. The depth and scope of Taichi completely captivate him and he studies hard and practices diligently in Taichi classes to finally become an elite student of the college.

In 2008 he competed in international Taichi tournaments in Handan and Shantou in China and won three gold and two silver medals. In this tournament he has once again accepted it as a personal challenge and has taken another giant leap in his pursuit of excellence. Well done and congratulations Raymond!

Ji Hong Toronto 20th Anniversary Seminars & Workshops

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Seminar Topics:

Demystifying the Essence of Tai Chi

The Integration of the Total Elastic Body – Theory, Training & Application

講座題目:太極拳精要理法揭秘 — 人體彈性能的整合理論,訓練和應用


Date: April 22, 2011

Time: 10:00m – 11:30am

Place: Scarborough School – 3241 Kennedy Rd. Unit 9

Fee: $15.00

Workshop 1:

Date: April 22, 2011

Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm / 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Place: Scarborough School – 3241 Kennedy Rd. Unit 9

Fee: $70.00

Workshop 2:

Date: April 23, 2011

Time: 2:00pm – 4:30pm

Place: Richmond Hill School – 10 East Wilmont St. #21/22

Fee: $35.00

Celebration Dinner:

Date: April 24, 2011

Time: 6:30pm – 10:00pm

Place: Century Palace Restaurant 世紀皇宮 – 398 Ferrir St, Markham

Fee: $38.00

Open House:

Date: April 30, 2011 & May 1, 2011

Time: 2:00pm –  4:00pm

Place: Scarborough School – 3241 Kennedy Rd. Unit 9

Tel: 416-704-9288

Open House:

Date: April 24, 2011

Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Place: Richmond Hill School – 10 East Wilmont St. #21/22

Tel: 647-921-1368

第三屆世界青少年武術錦標賽 基宏武術精英奪1 銀1銅牌為國爭光

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第三屆世界青少年武術錦標賽於12 月初在新加坡裕廊東體育與休閑中心圓滿結束,亞省武術健兒成績突出,奪得3 枚獎牌。基宏武術太極拳學院的陳思敏一人獨得1 銀1銅,為國爭光。

由國際武術聯合會主辦,新加坡武術龍獅總會承辦的第三屆世界青少年武術錦標賽於12 月2 -9 日在新加坡裕廊東體育與休閑中心舉行。來自46 個國家的736 名運動員、裁判員和教練員參加了25 個套路項目和12 個散打項目的角逐。

加拿大青少年國家武術隊是今年9 月25 日在多倫多的全國武術選拔賽中選拔組成。共有6男6 女的套路運動員和幾名散打運動員。當時亞省基宏武術太極拳學院的3名學生:陳思敏以3 枚金牌、楊早耀以1 金2銀、雙雙入選國家隊套路A組;而卡城基宏學院的張家誠也順利入選國家散打隊。

世界青少年武術錦標賽每兩年舉辦一次,2006 年第一屆在馬來西亞舉行,2008 年第二屆在印尼舉行,今年是第三屆。世錦賽分套路和散打兩部分,套路比賽分A組(16-18歲)、B組(13-15歲)和C組( 12歲以下),每組比賽,每個國家只能派出男女各2 名運動員參賽。散打比賽方面,男子分8 個重量級,女子分4 個重量級進行比賽。

基宏學院的古岱娟師傅第8 次出任國家隊套路教練,來自亞省和安省的12名運動員於11月30 號出發,遠赴新加坡參加比賽。經過幾天的緊張賽事,來自基宏武術太極拳學院的陳思敏表現突出,在女子A組南拳的比賽中,戰勝來自亞洲國家的多名專業好手,以9.55 分的成績奪得銀牌,中國隊獲金牌。陳思敏在第二天的比賽中,再接再厲,獲得女子A組南棍銅牌,成為加拿大隊獲最好成績的隊員。

這次加拿大隊獲得2 銀3銅共5 枚獎牌,其中2 枚是基宏學生陳思敏奪得,可喜可賀。

Ji Hong Student Competitors Captured 1 Silver and 1 Bronze for Canada at the 3rd World Junior Wushu Championship

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Staged at Singapore’s Jurong East Sports & Cultural Centre, the 3rd World Junior Wushu Championship drew to successful close in early December of 2010. Alberta athletes scored outstanding results winning 3 medals. Brianna Chan of Ji Hong Wu Shu & Tai Chi College single-handedly captured 1 silver and 1 bronze for Canada!

Organized by the International Wushu Federation and hosted by the Singapore Wushu Dragon & Lion Dance Federation, the tournament ran from December 2nd to 9th. A total of 736 guests, among them athletes, judges and coaches participated in events covering 25 taolu and 12 sanshou events.

The Canadian Junior Wushu Team of 6 boys and 6 girls and several Sanshou athletes were selected through the Canadian Wushu selection competition held in Toronto on September 25th of 2010. Among them are three Ji Hong students from Alberta. Brianna took 3 gold medals at the competition. Eric Duong took 1 gold and 2 silver. Both were selected to the national taolu A group. Alvin Chiang from Ji Hong’s Calgary school made it to the national Sanshou team.

The World Junior Wushu Championship is a biannual event. The 1st was held in Malaysia in 2006 and the 2nd in Indonesia in 2008. At this championship, the 3rd in Singapore, the two major divisions are taolu and sanshou. The taolu division was further divided into three groups: Group A (ages 16-18), Group B (ages 13-15) and Group C (ages 12 and under). Each country was allowed to send two athletes in each group. In the Sanshou division, the boys competed in 8 weight categories, and the girls in 4 weight categories.

Led by Master Jennifer Gu of Ji Hong College, this being her 8th time as the national taolu coach, the team (12 athletes from Ontario and Alberta) left for Singapore on November 30th 2010. After several days of intense competition, Brianna’s stand-out performance won her a silver in Nanquan. Her score of 9.55 was better than many of the full-time athletes from Asian countries, and second only to the Chinese who took the gold. On the following day, Brianna continued her winning way by capturing the bronze medal in Nangun. Brianna’s achievements were the tops in the Canadian team.

In all, the Canadian team took home 2 silver and 3 bronze for a total of 5 medals. Among them are the two contributed by Brianna’s outstanding performance. Congratulations to all!

泛美武術錦標賽 本省健兒為國爭光

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第8届泛美武術錦標賽於较早时在南美洲国家阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)圓滿結束。 基宏武術、太極拳學院四位武術選手不負眾望,奪得一面金牌;兩面銀牌和一面銅牌,為國爭光。

由泛美武術聯合會主辦,阿根廷武術聯合會承辦的第八屆泛美武術錦標賽於10月6日至10在布宜诺斯艾利斯奧林匹克訓練中心舉行。來自北美國家的美國、加拿大和墨西哥; 以及來自南美國家的阿根廷、巴西、秘魯、智利和委內瑞拉等國家都派隊參賽。

亞省基宏武術、太極拳學院的古岱娟師傅帶領加拿大國家B隊參加了這次比賽。泛美武術錦標賽每兩年舉辦一次,這次是阿根廷第二次舉辦泛美賽。泛美賽規定每個國家只能派出10男和 10女的國家隊參加套路比賽,以及11男7女參加散手比賽。加拿大國家武術隊A隊 (男女各前五名)和B隊(男女 各前10 名)、是去年8 月份在多倫多的全國錦標賽中選出。

Jonathan  Leung 太極劍奪金

基宏武術、太極拳學院的Jonathan Leung、 Stephen  Au 、Eric  Duong以及Aviel   Chow  參加了泛美武術錦標賽套路的比賽。經過3 天的激烈競爭,Jonathan Leung 奪得太極劍金牌和太極拳銀牌;Eric  Duong奪得槍術銀牌;Stephen  Au 奪得南棍銅牌。


這次比賽還增加了青少年武術公開賽,人數不限。由於準備時間不足以及路途遙遠,今年加拿大並沒有派出青少年隊參賽。相反,美國隊即派出了將近40人的大隊伍參賽。另外南美洲的其它國家也派出了龐大的隊伍參加公開賽。比賽場內坐滿了運動員和觀眾,掌聲、喝彩聲不斷。10月9日晚上舉行了歷時3 小時的頒獎儀式,第8屆泛美武術錦標賽圓滿結束。

Alberta Athletes Victorious at the Pan American Wushu Championships

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The 8th Pan American Wushu Championships, sponsored by the Pan American Wushu Association and the Argentinean Wushu Federation, was held at Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina on October 6-10, 2010. Athletes from North American countries of the United States, Canada and Mexico and from the South American countries of Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile and Venezuela competed at the Olympic Training Center in Buenos Aires. As a biennial event, this is Argentina’s second hosting this prestigious tournament.

In accordance to the Pan American tournament protocol, each national team is limited to 10 male and 10 female athletes competing in the Taolu events and 11 male and 7 female athletes on the San Shou (Sparring) events. The Canadian National Team is represented by 5 male and 5 female athletes from Canadian National Wushu A-Team and 5 male and 5 female athletes from the Canadian National Wushu B-Tteam. All these athletes were among the top competitors at the national team selection tournament held earlier in August at Toronto. The Canadian National Team at the tournament, comprised of the B team, was headed by Master Jennifer Gu of the Ji Hong Wu Shu & Tai Chi College as the National Team Coach.

Jonathan Leung – Gold Medal Winner

Four students from the Ji Hong Wu Shu & Tai Chi College – Jonathan Leung, Stephen Au, Eric Duong and Aviel Chow – competed at the tournament. After three days of intense competition, Jonathan Leung claimed the Taichi Sword gold and Taichi silver,  Eric Duong took silver at spears and Stephen Au the bronze at Nangun (cudgel, southern style).

Master Jennifer Gu commented, “Through this tournament, we could observe that the Wushu levels of the South American countries have improved considerably. Brazil, in particular, has been outstanding in the southern style Taolu. They have taken all three gold medals in the Nanquan (southern style hand form), Nandao (southern style broadsword) and Nangun.”

The tournament also included an open competition for junior Wushu athletes. Due to the lack of preparation time and the long distant travel, Canada did not send a junior team. In contrast, the United States boasted a junior team of close to 40 youths. Other South American countries also dispatched huge delegations to compete at the tournament. The stands were filled with spectators and athletes. Loud cheers and applause went on all day! In the evening of October 9, a three-hour award ceremony brought the 8th Pan American Wushu Championships to a successful conclusion.

Ji Hong Wushu and Tai Chi College Wushu elites take part in the practical examination of the International Wushu Judges in Beijing, China.

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There was no cool fall feeling in late August in the City of Beijing. Two hundred and fifty‐one candidates came from 48 countries around the world to take part in the practical examination of the International Wushu Judges organized by the International Wushu Federation. These high level participants struggled through the blistering heat of the summer in Beijing as well as the one‐week intensive course and learned the required theories and techniques in order to pass the three to four practical exams. Not all the participants who took part in the examination were successful. Unfortunately around 15 participants walked away with only a certificate of participation. However, all of the 5 participants from the Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto branches of Ji Hong had excellent results.

Of the thirteen participants who came from Canada five of them were from the Ji Hong Wushu and Tai Chi College. Two of these judges, Master Hong‐Yuan Luo and Master Jennifer Gu, were from the Edmonton Wushu and Tai Chi branch of Ji Hong. Another participant, Sifu Jim Liang, was from the Toronto Tai Chi branch, and the final two, Magan Lau and Brian Tang were from the Calgary Wushu and Tai Chi branch. Master Hong‐Yuan Luo and Master Jennifer Gu from Edmonton Ji Hong obtained their Grade A & B Judge Certification for Taolu respectively. Sifu Jim Liang from Toronto earned his Grade A level certification for Sanda, followed by Magan Lau from Calgary Ji Hong who obtained her Grade B evel certification for Sanda. Last but not least is Brian Tang from the Calgary Ji Hong Wushu and Tai Chi branch who obtained his Grade C level certification in Taolu.

This practical examination for Wushu judges has helped to promote the status of Chinese Wushu within the international sports community. Ji Hong Tai Chi and Wushu College has laid down a solid foundation in the development of Wushu within Canada. Congratulations once again to our five representatives from Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto you’ve made Ji Hong very proud!