Health Qigong Tournament – Vancouver, BC

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In the last two or three years, Ji Hong has been actively promoting Health Qigong, hosting Qigong instruction seminars in conjunction with the Alberta Wushu and Taichi Association. Top-ranked Qigong masters from China were invited to conduct Qigong training for Ji Hong students as well as the general public. Ji Hong College has subsequently offered Qigong classes as part of the regular college curriculum.

This year, Ji Hong has gone one step further by sending three students to participate in the 4th International Qigong Tournament in Vancouver, September 17th to 18th. All three students scored well at the tournament competing against Qigong athletes from around the world including those from China.  The results are as follows:

Grace Lee – 1 Gold, 1 Bronze
Grace Lam – 1 Silver
Krasimira Kuneva – 1 Bronze

All three students worked extremely hard in preparation for the tournament. The results reflect their effort as well as their talent. Congratulations! Keep up with your Qigong practice. May the Qi be with you!

Qigong Tournament Newsletter – Vancouver, BC

Ji Hong Taichi Results at 6th International Jiaozuo Tournament

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Ji Hong Taichi Athletes Rewarded at a Major International Taichi Tournament


The 6th International Jiaozuo Taichi Tournament was held on August 20th to 26th in the city of Jiaozuo in China. This major event, sponsored by Chinese State General Administration of Sports and the provincial government of Henan, was hosted by the Management Centre for Wushu of the Chinese State General Administration of Sports, the Chinese Wushu Association and the municipal government of the city of Jiaozuo. This is currently the international Taichi competition of the largest scale and highest level. More than 3800 athletes came from all over the world to compete in this tournament. Ji Hong Wu Shu and Tai Chi College, led by Master Hong Yuan Luo, sent four students to the tournament and took home 3 gold and 2 silver medals.

2011 Canadian Wushu Championship Results

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Seven Outstanding Ji Hong Students Selected to the National Team at the Canadian National Wushu Championships

At the Canadian National Wushu Championships held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto in August, seven Wushu athletes from the Ji Hong Wu Shu and Tai Chi College made it to the national A team and B team respectively. They will represent Canada at the 11th World Wushu Championships in Turkey on October 6th to 15th of this year, and at the 9th Pan American Wushu Championships next year.

The Canadian National Wushu Championships was sponsored by the Canadian Federation of Wushu Organizations and hosted by Wushu Ontario. Judges came from Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec. Wushu Taolu and Sanda formed the two divisions in the competitions. Taolu athletes may select a minimum of two and a maximum of four routines. The total of the highest scores of two of the routines selected will be used as criteria for the selection to the national team. The A Team is made up of the top five men and top five women competitors. They will compete at the World Wushu Championships in October this year. The B team is made up of the top ten men and top ten women athletes to compete at the Pan American Wushu Championships next year.

Onto the World and Pan American Championships

Wushu athletes from across the country, after competing in their provincial selection tournaments and qualifying to compete at the national selection tournament, converged in Toronto for two days of fierce competition. Wushu students from the Albertan division of the Ji Hong Wu Shu and Tai Chi College were outstanding in garnering 7 gold, 9 silver and 8 bronze medals. Seven athletes have been selected to the national team. Among them are Jonathan Leung who won 2 gold medals in Taijiquan and Taiji sword, Eric Duong who competing in Changquan, Sword and Spear, won gold in Sword, and Brianna Chan competing in Nanquan, Nandao, Nangun and Sword, won 2 gold and 1 silver medals. Jonathan and Eric have made the men’s A team and Brianna the women’s A team. All three athletes will compete in the 11th World Wushu Championships leaving for faraway Turkey on October 6th of this year. Four other Ji Hong athletes have qualified for the B team. They are

Alana Chan, Samantha Huynh, Alvin Chiang and Samuel Malone. Together with the three A team schoolmates, they will compete in the 6th Pan American Wushu Championships next year.

In addition to the selection of the national team at the Canadian Wushu Championship, a tournament was held for the junior Wushu athletes in preparation for the national junior Wushu team tournament next year. Four Ji Hong students competed fearless of a strong field of competitors and performed superbly capturing 2 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze medals.



Reminder: Fall Open House & Classes Resume

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Dear Students of Ji Hong,

Just a reminder that all continuing classes begin this Tuesday in Edmonton and Saturday in Calgary. Please come back to the same class as before, or according to the new schedule. If you do not have a schedule, please visit our website’s schedule posting, on

Please see the attached for Calgary and Edmonton Open House information:
Edmonton 2011-09 Open House


Jennifer Gu
Ji Hong Wu Shu & Tai Chi College

Ji Hong Summer Newsletter

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Dear Students of Ji Hong:

Summer is still lingering, but a change of the season is definitely in the air. I hope you all have a great summer full of activities and joy and that you are looking forward to a change of pace in your daily lives. In the traditional Chinese medical thinking, fall and winter is a time for nurturing, and replenishing the energy, so much of it has been expended in the vigorous summer days. I fully subscribe to this rather obvious observation in health, and I also happen to believe that Wushu and Tai Chi are the ways to build the body and mind for the summer of 2012.

Our schools are getting ready for the new fall sessions. Open House is set for September 11, Sunday 2:00 to 4:00 pm in our downtown location. We will have our Wushu and Taichi demonstrations of course. I urge you to attend this function and bring along family and friends. There is no better introduction to these wonderful forms of exercise than to witness the performance first-hand. Please see attachment and forward it to your friends.

For this past summer, the school has not been all that quiet. There has been regular free practice for the Taichi group which were well attended. It is great that our students took advantage of the opportunity to keep up with the Taichi practice, and more importantly to stay in shape.

For the Wushu kids, well some have worked very hard this summer in preparation for the Canadian National Team Selection Tournament in Toronto in August. Their hard work has paid off. Their accomplishments at the tournament are:
7 gold medals, 9 silver medals and 8 Bronze medals.
3 student has been selected to the Canadian National Wu Shu Team ( Team A, Female top 5 and Male top 5 ) . They are Jonathan Leung, Eric Duong and Brianna Chan. They will be competing at the 11th World Wushu Championships in Ankara Turkey in October this year. We wish them continue success and a wonderful trip to that exotic land across the ocean.
7 students has been selected to the Canadian National Wu Shu Team ( Team B, Female top 10 and Male top 10 ). They are Jonathan Leung, Eric Duong, Brianna Chan, Alana Chan, Samantha Huynh, Alvin Chiang and Samuel Malone. They will be competing at the 9th Pan-Am Wushu Championship to be held in Mexico in 2012. Congratulations to these members of our school.

So my dear students of Ji Hong, may I welcome you to a brand-new season. I look forward to see you, as are all our college instructors, in class and continue to assist you in your journey to better and more vigorous lives ahead.


Jennifer Gu
Ji Hong Wu Shu & Tai Chi College

Edmonton Tai Chi Course Fee Details (收費表格)

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Edmonton Tai Chi Course Fee Details (收費表格)

The following course fees will apply:

Details Individual Family Members
One time registration fee for new students only. 

Includes Ji Hong Tai Chi Textbook and school uniform.

$45 (T-Shirt uniform) 

$50 (Polo style uniform)

$20 (T-Shirt uniform) 

$25 (Polo style uniform)

1 course (第一个班) Listed price 10% off
2 courses in same style (两个同类型的班) 2nd class 50% off 2nd class 50% off
3 courses in same style (三个同类型的班) 2nd & 3rd class 50% off 2nd & 3rd class 50% off
2 courses in different style  (两个不同类型的班) 2nd class 10% off 2nd class 15% off
Unlimited courses (3 courses or more)
(不限制, 可以参加任何班)
$425 $395


Our Mission

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The Ji Hong Wushu and Tai Chi College was founded in 1988 with the intention of spreading both knowledge and understanding of Tai Chi and Wushu.

We believe that through quality instruction, discipline and hard work our students will be able to achieve a strong sense of well-being and accomplishment.

Ji Hong Wushu & Tai Chi College offers instruction in the following disciplines:

Click on each style to learn more, and to find out more information on available classes in your region.