All posts by Ji Hong

Congratulations Master Jennifer Daijuan Gu, for being appointed as a member of the Judge Committee of the International Wushu Federation (IWUF)

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Master Jennifer Daijuan Gu, vice president of the Confederation of Canadian Wushu Organizations, vice president of the Wushu Kung Fu Alberta, and Vice President of the Jihong Wushu Tai Chi College, was recently appointed as a member of the Judge Committee of the IWUF with a term lasting until 2027. This is the first time in history that a representative from the Canadian martial arts community has held this prestigious position to which only 7 are appointed worldwide.

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18 Gold, 18 Silver, 19 Bronze: Ji Hong Wushu & Tai Chi Returns

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The 4th Pan American Kung Fu Championships was held from August 4th to 6th in Markham, Ontario. This competition showcased a variety of disciplines and styles, including traditional kungfu, contemporary Wushu, tai chi, Sanda, and Wing Chun. With approximately 900 competitors travelling from all over the Americas, Ji Hong is proud to have attended the event and made new friends through our shared love for martial arts.

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Ji Hong’s Glory in Thunder Bay

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2022 National Martial Arts Championship and Festival

Four years after the last Canadian National Wushu and Taiji Team Selections in 2018, the Ji Hong family is glad to finally be back in action at the 2022 Canadian National Martial Arts Championships and Festival.

This year’s event was held in Thunder Bay, Ontario at Lakehead University, from July 28th to 31st. With 500 participants coming in from all around the country, Ji Hong is proud to have represented Edmonton with 19 students competing in both the Wushu and Taiji competitions.

For the full story and results, download the article.

COVID-19 Update: 2022

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We are now running both in-person and online classes! Please see our schedules for the classes currently running, or email us at or  Don’t see the class you’re interested in on our schedules? You can fill out the online form to request the class for future schedules.

Please note that we are continuing to wear masks in all in-person classes, to best protect all students attending.

COVID-19 Update: Sep 2020

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Due to the continued COVID-19 situation, most of our students and staff feel that it is best to wait before reopening our doors for in-person classes. Our Tai Chi classes have been moved online over the past few months to great feedback from our students, and will continue online through Zoom for the months of September and October. Please inquire if you would like to register. Thank you for your continued patience and support through these unique circumstances.

For our Wushu students, we have continued online and limited in-person training classes for our advanced team students. As of the next two months we will be closely monitoring the COVID-19 developments, and hope to restart more classes later this fall.

We look forward to seeing many of you through our online classes, and hope to see everyone in person again by our next semester in November! Be safe and stay well.

COVID-19 Update

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Zoom Classes Now Available

Check the Schedule section for class times.

With all that has been going on, I hope everyone has been staying healthy and well. Although we first anticipated that we would be able to resume regular classes in a month or two, it has now been 3 months since we have had to close down. In light of the possible start of phase 2 in Alberta, we have been looking at options for resuming classes for our students to resume their Tai Chi journey and practice.

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UPDATE: Ji Hong closed until further notice

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Unfortunately, we are still unable to resume our regularly schedule classes until further notice. We take the health of our students and the general public seriously, and will continue to monitor the situation before we open up again. At the end of April we will send out a notice if we are able to start classes again. If not, there will be a closure until further notice.

Dear Students and Parents:

In light of the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus becoming a pandemic around the world and our province’s active efforts to prevent further spread of the virus, The Ji Hong Wushu & Taichi College has decided to contribute to our community health and safety by temporarily closing for the coming two weeks. This will be effective as of March 13th  until March 29th.

As the situation is quickly changing and unpredictable, we will then follow up with you all about whether we can resume classes after the 29th. We hope you all are taking care of yourselves and are doing well.

We appreciate your understanding and help in reducing the risk of community infection, and as usual, please do not hesitate to email me if you have questions or concerns.

Ji Hong Wushu & Taichi College

Ji Hong Taichi Celebrating at the 4th World Taiji Culture and Tourism Festival

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Masters Luo and Gu named to the World Taichi Wall of Fame; Ji Hong College named one of the most influential Taichi organizations in the world.

Sanya Nanshan 4th World Taiji Culture and Tourism Festival was held on October 26th to 30th  in the city of Sanya, Hainan province of China.  President Hong Yuan Luo and Vice-President Daijuan Gu of the Ji Hong Wu Shu and Tai Chi College of Canada attended the festival as guests of honour. Five students of the college also participated at the festival. Read More

The Scientific Nature of Taijiquan

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Seminars Presented by Hong Yuan Luo at Wuhan and Guangzhou Sports Universities

At the invitation of Wuhan Sports University, Master Hong Yuan Luo, President of the Ji Hong Wu Shu and Tai Chi College of Canada, and Master Daijuan Gu, the Vice-President and their two associates paid a visit to the University on the 23rd to 25th of October. Master Luo gave a seminar on the three elements of Taichi: the mind, energy and power, with over a hundred attendees. Among them were professors, specialists, graduate students and faculty students. Read More