There was no cool fall feeling in late August in the City of Beijing. Two hundred and fifty‐one candidates came from 48 countries around the world to take part in the practical examination of the International Wushu Judges organized by the International Wushu Federation. These high level participants struggled through the blistering heat of the summer in Beijing as well as the one‐week intensive course and learned the required theories and techniques in order to pass the three to four practical exams. Not all the participants who took part in the examination were successful. Unfortunately around 15 participants walked away with only a certificate of participation. However, all of the 5 participants from the Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto branches of Ji Hong had excellent results.
Of the thirteen participants who came from Canada five of them were from the Ji Hong Wushu and Tai Chi College. Two of these judges, Master Hong‐Yuan Luo and Master Jennifer Gu, were from the Edmonton Wushu and Tai Chi branch of Ji Hong. Another participant, Sifu Jim Liang, was from the Toronto Tai Chi branch, and the final two, Magan Lau and Brian Tang were from the Calgary Wushu and Tai Chi branch. Master Hong‐Yuan Luo and Master Jennifer Gu from Edmonton Ji Hong obtained their Grade A & B Judge Certification for Taolu respectively. Sifu Jim Liang from Toronto earned his Grade A level certification for Sanda, followed by Magan Lau from Calgary Ji Hong who obtained her Grade B evel certification for Sanda. Last but not least is Brian Tang from the Calgary Ji Hong Wushu and Tai Chi branch who obtained his Grade C level certification in Taolu.
This practical examination for Wushu judges has helped to promote the status of Chinese Wushu within the international sports community. Ji Hong Tai Chi and Wushu College has laid down a solid foundation in the development of Wushu within Canada. Congratulations once again to our five representatives from Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto you’ve made Ji Hong very proud!